"But Jesus said, 'No, go home to your friends, and tell them what wonderful things the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.'" (New Living Translation)
Over the course of this year, I (Will), amongst other things, have been looking for a job which would enable our family to stay in Switzerland while Keri can be home with Mayla. Well, the search is over! We are moving back to America!
Yes, it's true, and it is with incredibly mixed emotions that we share this news. We don't know many details yet, important things like when, where, how, etc. What we do know is what we shared, we're going (coming) back.
It has been a long journey, coming to the point where we know what direction we are going. As mentioned, I have been looking for a full-time position since handing in my bachelor thesis in February. Actually, I took a couple weeks to work on my car, but then I was looking. I initially focused my search in IBM since I was already working there. Very few opportunities there unless I studied Information Technology, and I'm not that guy, so that was a no go.
I then moved my search outside IBM and focused on the financial sector since that is the area I wanted to be. The financial services industry is difficult to get into these days in Switzerland, maybe you have heard or read the recent news on UBS. Needless to say, no opportunities presented itself in the large (or small) banks/financial institutions/investment houses. The search was then expanded to almost any business, really, with a particular focus on international businesses where my lower level of German would not be a hinderance. While a couple opportunities came to light, they did not work out in the end.
From the beginning, we believed the Lord would keep us in Switzerland. We both felt our work here was not (is not) finished, and the Lord had something more for us to do. Once Mayla was born and her heart condition discovered, we became more convinced of this. Then we learned that Mayla would have all medical services related to her heart condition covered 100% under a supplementary insurance provided by the state and we became more convinced. Then we witnessed the outpouring of love and support of so many, all the amazing stories we heard, the testimony of our family that was coming out of the situation, and we became even more convinced. Interesting thing about convincing yourself of something before truly consulting the Lord about His plans...
From the beginning, again, I have said that "if" I can't find a full-time job we will have to go back to the U.S. The danger in a statement like this is that the enemy can use it, big time, to convince me that somehow I failed by not being able to lock down a job. Truth is, we are not going back to America because I couldn't find a job. We are going back because the Lord is calling us back, and this brings excitement, hope, and peace.
At the time He spoke, I was praying about the next steps to take regarding establishing a ministry for teenagers in the Zürich area. The Lord has given me a heart for youth ministry over the last 4 years and gave me an idea/vision for a particular ministry. I had met and spoken with people I know, love, and trust and was planning other meetings to discuss this prospect and the potential for establishing it in Zürich. On October 27, around mid-day, I was praying about next steps, what exactly He wanted us to do, and moving forward with this ministry, that is when he answered with Mark 5:19.
Initially I had a feeling of disbelief, a bit of comfort, and if I'm honest, fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of what happens for Mayla and her heart & insurance coverage, fear because the economy in the U.S. isn't doing so well... Though I didn't ask, as I continued reading and praying, He answered my questions with six little words in Mark 5:36, "Don't be afraid. Just trust me."
No, to continue with the honesty, this isn't exactly the type of answer to questions and fears that most people are looking for. The fact is though, it's truth, and it's what I needed. It would be easy for me (us) to be afraid of the unknown, Keri and I are both planners so this would actually be real easy. Faith however, isn't always "easy". It's not always the easy thing to trust someone you can't see and touch to make sure everything is going to be "okay". However, given what we have witnessed the first three weeks of Mayla's life, we have no reason not to trust, not to believe, not to have faith. Not only do we have no reason, but we have no business.
He has cared for us and looked out for us in ways I could never have imagined. He met every one of our needs, and more, while Mayla was in the hospital. For example, I needed to be at the hospital with Keri. Both jobs I was up for would have had me working while Mayla was in the hospital. Praise God! We needed to make sure we were being nourished with food but our living arrangements didn't really allow for us to shop and store food in our room. Through our church family we never had to think about where are we going to eat or do we have enough groceries or where is the nearest grocery store. When Keri was desperately broken after seeing Mayla the first time with tubes/wires/machines/etc., she needed to know it would be okay. He gave Keri a look from her daughter. We needed to know it would all be okay, He gave Mayla a miraculous recovery. He also provided incredibly generous and loving monetary gifts from our church family to help cover additional costs associated with living away from home. He had our health insurance carrier pay 100% of the room costs for staying at the hospital. He provided supplemental insurance that covers 100% of anything associated with Mayla's condition at no cost to us. I could go on but I don't think it's necessary at this point.
The fact is, he has continuously met our needs and more over these last two months. Beyond that, when we sit down and reflect on our lives together here in Switzerland we see how he has met everyone of our needs and more. Even further, we each can see the hand of God guiding us, directing our paths, even in our own disobedience and selfishness, never leaving us, nor forsaking us. He has always been there for us, and we have no doubt he will as we take these next steps of faith. Sure it would be easy to worry, wonder, fear, doubt, but it doesn't make sense. It's completely illogical given what we have seen and experienced. So we step out in faith, trusting in His guidance, believing He will land us in a place better than we could have imagined, and certainly better than we could plan ourselves. Sure we have questions and wonder what it will be like, where we will go, and when we will get there, but we know in the end, regardless of what it is, it can't get any better.
Pray with us as we continue to seek His counsel and guidance on where to go, where to look for jobs, which/what types of jobs to look for, who to connect with, which boat to buy (you had to know we are going water-skiing at some point; don't worry though, we'll wait until we are settled with a job and stuff first), etc. Leaving Switzerland is extremely bittersweet for us. This has been my home for over 4-1/2 years and Keri's for over 7. We would both like to stay as there is so much more we would like to do. But we also recognize now the importance of taking Mayla's story on the road, sharing it with our friends, old and eventually the new. He will do great things and we are excited to be a part of it.
Over the next weeks and months we will be posting occasionally about the things we will miss, as well as some things we are excited about. We are compiling that list now and are looking forward to sharing it with you all. Our time here has been a great adventure, and one that isn't over yet. While we will be sure to take advantage of every opportunity we can while here, we also look forward to the adventure to come. Thank you for being a part of all this with us.