Lately Mayla has been enjoying the LONGER summer days and taking full advantage of them with a wonderful wake up time of 6am! I then proceed to try and coax her back to sleep for the next hour. After an hour of being slapped in the face, spit on, pinched, laughed at and head butted, we generally give up. She is our joy, and yes even at 6am when I want another 8 hours of sleep my love for her grows!
Mayla has had a rough month since I last wrote, well we all have to be honest! We kind of laugh looking back though, funny we talk about a double ear infection and a ruptured ear drum as 'rough' for our little warrior who had open heart surgery at 8 days old. She is a trooper though, and continues to prove her strength with each new hit. We had her doctor appointment this past Friday and her ears are all healed up. One of the downsides to the ear problems, besides having to give her antibiotics which was like feeding asparagus to a T-Rex, was having to put her swimming lessons on hold. She was just days away from completing an intense swim course that started in April. Will and I were heart broken. We were also saddened as we had planned a business trip South that was going to start the end of May that would have had us away the whole month of June. We were planning on returning just in time for 4th of July with the family and also back in time to spend time with family that I have not yet met middle of July. The trip has now been postponed and due to that we will be missing those two big family events in July, our hearts were broke again and we were confused why this was happening.
While Mayla was trying to heal, Will was having parts of his body removed (no not that:) His doctor had found some 'abnormal' moles on his back and foot that he needed to remove and biopsy. Round one was removing one on his back and two on his foot. Unfortunately the ones on his foot were located in really bad spots and stitches did not work, so his foot was wide open..OUCH! His foot results came back normal while his back spot had abnormal cells in it, not cancerous, but round two (today) they removed more from his back. We are missing our Swiss Insurance by this point and wondering why we can't go a couple weeks without visiting a doctor office. We wrote on facebook a few weeks ago, 'when can we catch a break'? It hasn't come...yet! But we continue on with hope and perseverance and run the race.......
The race to get me to the doctor....same week Will is being checked for cancer, I notice a lump, looks like it's my turn. With my mom's breast cancer history, it was unfortunately nothing to take lightly and I got in for a visit right away. Praise The Lord it was not cancer and seems to be on the mend. Days after this I woke up with horrible back pain that had me in bed almost the whole day icing my back. I'm still not able to stand up straight, but i'm bending down all day to get to Mayla's playing field so it's all good! I have the best massage therapist taking care of me (thanks hubby) but we are thinking based on the fact that my back was the shape of a comma on Sunday that I might need more! Have I mentioned we don't get ANY of this.....we have a prayer we mention every day, 'Lord WHAT are you doing?'
Before Mayla was born the five letter word T.R.U.S.T was laid on my heart. "Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways, submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.' Proverbs 3:5-6. Will and I question The Lord, not because we need an answer (well yes that would be nice), but to submit to that fact that no matter how hard WE try on our own, we will not understand fully nor do we NEED to! By submitting to Him, we are letting him know that it's okay for Him to take control of the situation and for us to let go. Yes, this is not always easy, especially when things don't go the way 'WE WANT', or when things hurt. This verse gives hope though too, by God saying 'he will make our paths straight', it's just more confirmation that he knows what he is doing. And in the midst of our crazy, living out of my parents basement, one car, bad health insurance, jacked up health, lack of income, lives right now, that verse brings a LOT of comfort. So, 'Lord, WHAT are you doing, and how can I help you do it instead of getting in your way, even if it doesn't convenience me at the time?'
We briefly mentioned in a previous update that Will has started a business selling Sanger boats. He is PERFECT for the job, the downfall to the job is it takes time to 'establish' and get the brand/name out there on the East coast. It's HUGE on the West coast, but it's the USA and from East to West is like hundreds of countries away from each other:) The people that have been in the boat and behind the boat have nothing but positive things to say which is exciting, and we freakin' love the boat. Our nieces and nephews tell us all the time not to sell it because they like it so much. Our response is, "Mayla needs diapers, so the boat has to go!" :) If you are on facebook and have not yet liked our page, visit Southeast Sanger and click 'like'. We are trying to get to 100 likes so we can start having some fun, give out prizes:) and do more to get Sanger's name out there and sell some boats. By the way, do you need a boat???
Mayla was cleared for swim lessons on Friday, so we started back up today. Not sure what the week will look like after her two week break, but we are praying she will complete the course by Friday. Meaning she can roll over, float and save herself in both summer clothes and winter clothes. Despite when she finishes, we are so proud of her and thank Infant Swimming Resource for the amazing job at teaching her and the care they show. Might Mayla be done this Friday the family will be hitting the road on Sunday or Monday. Might Mayla not be done with the course, Will is going to be hitting the road on Sunday or Monday and heading South. We will be visiting dealers with the boat in North/South Carolina, Georgia and Florida over the next month doing demo's and getting the good word out about Sanger! We pray this is a great time for our family and a great response and growth for the business.
The world tries to tell us we should have no hope, that when bad things happen or sad things happen, you need to drown your sorrows in something. For us that 'something' is the living hope of Jesus Christ. Life is hard, for everyone, and it's hard from day one, Mayla proved that since I couldn't remember my day one, till the last day. May God hold you in the palm of His hand as you rest in his loving care each and every day and may you experience the overwhelming love and joy that only He can provide, especially in the most uncertain of times.
Boat time with Grossvati |
Love me some sibling time. They are the BEST! |
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Getting my surf on, loving life. |
Loving being around family |
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Will getting his surf on in the 45 degree water |
cousin love and the best play pen ever..the boat! |
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Precious |
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Mayla's favorite toy, and look no hands, standing all by herself! |