You ever feel like you are in the middle of a movie scene? Watching all these events in your life unfold and curious how this could be happening? You then have that realization that it's not a movie but real life, that you are a living and functional character in what you see taking place around you. When I look back over my pictures from the last month, and think about the events of the world I feel overwhelmed, both with hope and excitement and sadness. I don't know about you, but with each passing day i'm realizing more and more how precious life is. I want to do a better job loving, being kind and forgiving. We were all created for a reason that's bigger than ourselves and in a world that teaches us about selfies and speed it's hard to remember to put others first when we are striving and surviving just to keep up. I'm reminded of a great bible verse found in John 16:33, "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." THANK THE LORD! He knew, he knows and he gets it. And he warned us...this life WON'T be pretty. I think we can all agree! But how you respond can be!

August 19th, we celebrated Arabella's 2nd Heaven Birthday. It was a day of highs and lows. Tears of joy and tears of sorrow, but overall it was an amazing celebration, I wish you all could have been a part of it. I was amazed it has been two years since we laid our eyes on her. So much healing has taken place and yet so much still to go. Isn't that how most of life goes? We are all WIP people, Works In Progress!!!
The love she has in her heart for her sister is unexplainable. |
Someone with some skills reminded us of what this day was all about. We celebrate her life because of what Jesus has done for us all; Died on the cross and was raised to life, so that if we choose we may also be raised to life and live eternally with Him. |
#Celebrateeverything |
In the evening we went back and celebrated some more. It was the most perfect night and more of my family joined in, including a girlfriend from Switzerland. Joy was pouring out of my skin as I heard the giggles of my nieces and daughter and relished in the moment that was before me...all because God choose us!
Mayla had to bring back Arabella's bubbles we bought for her birthday. |
The Ellis' team work... |
An evening party complete with popcorn |
And safely away it went. A beautiful moment that could be a blog in and of itself. |
All smiles.....even in the pitch black. #foreverinourhearts |
Happy Birthday Arabella, Happy Birthday to you!!! |
And here we are now, journeying along with the one that was hand picked for our family from heaven. Almost 32 weeks this precious life has been growing inside of us, and there hasn't been a day that's gone by that we've taken the pregnancy for granted. Someone we know just recently lost her baby five days before their due date, out of the blue. My heart breaks for them into a thousand pieces, we've walked that road and the journey is tough. I'm hearing more cancer words than I've heard total in years and more heartache in general. I never knew our #celebrateeverything that we jotted down years ago would make such an impact in so many ways for our family. It's easy to celebrate when appointments go well and results are what you want them to be, but with prayerful hearts we still surrender to the one who holds the world in His hands!
A couple weeks ago we had the privilege of being 'normal' people. We actually had our first ultrasound in a 'normal' doctor office. NO high risk for us! We seriously felt like we had graduated and been given a gift. We decided to bring Mayla with us so that she could 'see' her sister. I should have been video taping the appointment and Mayla's reaction. When baby Zek popped up on the screen in 3D, Mayla lit up and walked over to the monitor and with the most joyous voice said, "AWWW SHE"S ADORABLE"! Her little 5 year old eyes could pick out her arm, her face, her eyes and totally grasped each photo she was looking at. It was so heart warming and such an enjoyable time...More so for me than Will who turned into a jungle gym during the LONG appointment!
These two...... |
Were cracking me up in the waiting room! |
You can tell Mayla's love for doctors written all over her face.

Baby Zek, being fearfully and wonderfully made by the one who created you and me!!!
Hopeful and joyful we continue to pray,
with great anticipation of our meeting day!