One month, or 31 days, or 744 hours, or 44, 640 minutes..however you want to count it, it's all the same and it's the time we have left in Switzerland. My mind is racing and my thoughts are all over the place. We bought our tickets last night for a one way trip to the USA, and I was filled with all sorts of emotions. After seven years and almost four months (for me and 4 years and 8 months for Will), our time in Switzerland is slowly coming to an end. I honestly didn't think this day would stumble upon me so fast. Funny thought as i wasn't supposed to be here longer than a year in the first place, and here we are. So many years, married, and a baby later making our way back.
We recently looked into getting a container to ship all our stuff back, but after getting quotes back that ranged from 7,000-10,000 we decided we could either live on bean bags in america or buy new stuff, whichever happens first;) There are only a few things we are super sad to leave behind and that is the baby stuff i have easily fallen in love with and our super comfy L-shapped couch and a few other randoms. I'll be excited to acquire new baby stuff, but also so sad to leave behind the things that have helped along the way so far. It's amazing how fast you make 'memories' with things, or grow attached to 'things' that have helped make your life easier. This is actually a good lesson for us, and helps remind us that everything we have is of this world, when we die we can't take any of it with us anyways, so it's good to keep in check how attached one is getting to the 'possessions' of this world. Where do you put your trust/hope/ and security? I"m learning every day that I look into the eyes of my daughter that NOTHING she plays with matters and no material item she has is going to fill the void of life like Jesus Christ.
So what have we been up to besides making our daughter smile, changing a lot of diapers, wiping her sick runny nose, washing clothes, snuggling, trying to sleep, playing with rattles, going for walks, reading books, and giving baths.....we've been trying to figure out where God wants us and what he has in store for us in America, oh and trying to enjoy our last few moments together here in Switzerland. As far as our future, that hasn't been revealed yet, but we FOR sure have been enjoying a great deal of family time and enjoying the Christmas season in Zürich.
Will has applied for about 12 jobs so far. The area ranges from Columbia, S.C, to Atlanta, GA and Chattanooga, Tennessee with our main focus being on Columbia, S.C. We are patient, but eager to see what is in store for us! The goos news is he is finding a lot of jobs that interest him, unlike his search here in Switzerland where he wasn't finding much that sounded 'intriguing'.
So yes, we have a plane ticket for January 18th that gets us to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where are families are. After that, who knows! What an adventure huh? When we had sweet baby Mayla a word came to us every day and it was 'TRUST'. That trust wasn't just for our journey from ICU to NICU and back again, but for our every day life. We are trusting The Lord, trusting He will meet all of our needs as we put our hope in him daily!
P.S. We have not yet received Mayla's passport, but according to the consulate in Bern today, it should be no problem having her passport by January 18th. Praise Jesus!
Any baby stuff that you need to borrow until you get settled, please let me know and Jeff and I can make sure it gets to where you will be staying before you arrive! :-). Pack 'n play? Swing? Just let me know, as our baby is not due until the end of February!