Arabella Nani Ellis was born today at 2:22 pm and to our absolute amazement, she is STILL ALIVE! 5 lbs 8 ounces, 17.5 inches long, she is B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!!!! Celebrating over 6 hours of life.
After being awake and going for over 38 hours, we are in complete AWE! GOD IS GOOD! And we surrender. Arabella gave us breaths, sounds, crying, EVERYTHING we prayed for!!!!!!!!!!! She is on oxygen but has had levels in the 90-100's majority of the day. Her heart beat is strong, she's got great pink color, SHE IS WITH US!!!!!!!!!!!
We thank you thank you thank you for the texts, voicemails, emails, etc. We are doing well!!!!! We are in love and we give God all the glory and praise His name. Every second is an absolute gift!!
OUR FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!! |
Absolutely beautiful :)
ReplyDeleteWe do not know each other, but our mutual friend directed me to your blog early this morning. My heart has been heavy all day and I have been praying for your constantly. I got on to show my wife your blog from this morning and saw your latest update. Tears of joy came to my eyes. My family and I in Wyoming will continue to pray for you and your family with great anticipation for what great miracle our God has in store for your family. Peace and grace be with you today and in the days, weeks, and months to come.
ReplyDeleteDave and the entire Ellgen family
What a blessing! She is beautiful. I cried as I read this. Thanks be to God who is good all the time and showers mercy upon us everyday. I pray continued blessings and continued healing upon the baby.
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome! I had my son Jacen in January and he lived 27 hours 💚 I'd love to connect with you sometime!! In the mean time hugs to your family!
ReplyDelete(We were in Lifesprings intially together.) I have been following from afar and have been praying and know praising with you, too. What a wonderful blessing that she has gone beyond ONE breath!!! :)
ReplyDeleteSo happy you have had time with your precious daughter!! God is good ALL the time!! Praying for your entire family!! Love to you all, Becki B
ReplyDeleteI am so incredibly happy for you and your family today! I've been following from afar, and I'm deeply impressed by your positive outlook and strength. Hugs. (Julie L from high school)
ReplyDeleteThanks be to God for his unspeakable gifts. Praising God for answers to prayers on your behalf.
ReplyDeleteGod is amazing and so are you, Keri! You are such a strong woman and my heart goes out to you and your family. Enjoy these moments! They are glimpses of what's to come. -Anna
ReplyDeleteShe's been waiting to meet you an I knew she was here to stay! I've said it to my children all along...GOD has a perfect plan for you an you have soooo much love that HE knew HE could entrust you with this special Gift of GODS. You two have been chosen...much like Mary was to be the Mother Of GODS own . Blessed be the Name of the LORD
ReplyDeleteYou do not know me, but I am Shannon Martin VanDyke cousin from Traverse City. She has created quite a prayer chain for your precious baby daughter and your family. I have been following your story right along. GOD IS GRACIOUS TO THOSE WHO HAVE FAITH.... There is something about your story that has made a direct connection to my life I cannot seem to put into words....but know that no matter how long our glorious God decides to bless us with your precious miracle....Arabella has already made a difference in my thoughts and prayers are with you every day....💖
ReplyDeleteYou do not know me, but I am Shannon Martin VanDyke cousin from Traverse City. She has created quite a prayer chain for your precious baby daughter and your family. I have been following your story right along. GOD IS GRACIOUS TO THOSE WHO HAVE FAITH.... There is something about your story that has made a direct connection to my life I cannot seem to put into words....but know that no matter how long our glorious God decides to bless us with your precious miracle....Arabella has already made a difference in my thoughts and prayers are with you every day....💖
ReplyDeleteThanks be to God! I'm a friend of Patty J and have been one of the many who are praying for you. And I will continue to pray. God bless you all.
ReplyDeletehow amazing! I found your blog recently and have been praying for you all. Will keep you in prayers in the days to come. love from Switzerland
ReplyDeletePRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!! Good and faithful Jesus please be with this precious family...thank you for their answer to prayers. You are the Mighty King of all!!!!
ReplyDeleteI will continue to pray for your family. It is amazing to see how big our God is. And your families faith and trust in our lord. Stay strong and remain close to God always