...because these pictures will do enough telling of their own. Arabella's physical body may no longer be with us, but she is beyond near and dear to every part of us, especially Mayla. She has an amazing love for her sister like I have NEVER seen before! Some of you may recall the little pink Arabella bear that we gave Mayla early on in my pregnancy to help explain Arabella's diagnosis; well what's interesting is that during the pregnancy she could have cared less about that bear. That's not the case any more. She treats this bear like she really is a person. Mayla may only be three, but she absorbs it, she gets it and I feel like she has an amazing grasp on how this whole 'life' thing works. I was talking to a lady tonight telling her one of the amazing things that has come from Arabella's passing are the conversations I have with my three year old. I want to record them, so on those tough days I can just play them back. They are beautiful, they are peaceful, they are healing!!! A few images of how we roll with Arabella. PS, it takes as long as it would with a 'real' baby to get anywhere, so this is good practice for me trying to get out the door with 'two' for the future. Especially when Arabella JUST so happens to have a poopy diaper JUST as we are walking out the door...it's happened....more than once!
Mayla knows ALL about safety, we never even told her that she should be buckled in. |
(this Arabella bear was given to her at the hospital and is called 'Big Arabella'. She now is the most real one though as she has a real Arabella heart beat inside her. The first night we gave this bear to Mayla after it had 'heart surgery' to put in the recording, I thought Mayla was going to wear it out she pushed it so many times). Mayla showing her pictures of the day she was born! |
Araella even rides the horse with Mayla at the local grocery store. |
They were reading a book together! |
Arabella traveling with us, right where Mayla likes her, IN her arms! |
There are more pictures than these, Arabella is Mayla's BFF, it's adorable! |
We love that she's a part of Family photos! |
And of course she had to come on the christmas tree hunt with us. |
And Mayla wanted to show her the train (Notice Big Arabella in the background). We are so thankful for these amazing gifts/treasures that are apart of our family now! Arabella lives in our hearts and in a weird sort of way, still very present in our everyday lives! Pure Love, Pure Joy #celebrateeverything
Tonight was a very special night, not just for me, but for many around the world. Like a lot of things, it's nothing I ever heard of before, nor knew anything about, until we lost Arabella. December 13th, 2015 candle lightening services across the globe at 7pm for those to remember the little loved ones that were taken too soon! It was a beautiful celebration that had a wide range of emotions connected to it. I sat next to two of my best friends (Will had to be out of town for work) and I wept for joy, knowing that the two women next to me, knew my daughter. They held her, watched her (babysat her for a couple hours even so Will and I could sleep, ha), helped feed her, cried over her with me, prayed over her, smiled over her and experienced her! They loved her and Arabella loved them. Rows in front of me and rows behind me I was with other Mommies and Daddies who grieved, who I shared a connection with. All of us having had to lay our little ones to rest, the lost dreams, hopes and desires all resting together in the grave! In that Auditorium though, through the tears, the flickering fake candle lights, and the awkwardness, there was an inexplainable peace. A peace that flooded over me as I whispered, 'It is well, with my soul thank you Jesus'! My dear friends from near and far, this peace, is the Peace of Christ! It is real, and I experienced it tonight as I sat in a room with people who have hurt, who do hurt, who have experienced so much pain, yet can smile! Some times it's unexplainable, incomprehensible, but if you sit still long enough, and have an open heart to his movement, you can feel it! God cares, God loves, God desires to know you and he's the only reason I could stand there and smile! He is GOOD! Pure Joy, Pure Love #celebrateeverything.
They had fun decorating their glass candle jars. Love these special ladies.
Baby Nani how we love you Sweet heaven Baby
Never Forgotten, Always loved!
Forever special sisters of mine! Thank you for being there for me. Arabella (and Mayla) are blessed to have Aunts like you!
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