And these words will fail in doing this story any justice.
I got the go ahead to push. I was struggling as I knew I needed to push hard to get her out, but all I could think about was the more I pushed, the more her head would hit again and again up against the walls of the birth canal; and that thought made me NOT want to push. Once I started though, I knew I had NO choice and I told myself, 'Push Keri, and PUSH hard, you have GOT to get her out of the birth canal and you have GOT to do it NOW'! The visions of her unprotected skull motivated me to do one of the most challenging things in life. I had to fight for her! I could feel what was taking place and when I felt her come out, I heard nothing. I'm pretty sure in that split second my heart stopped as I felt the motion in the room come to a halt as well. And the words that no parent should ever have to ask hesitantly rolled off my tongue, 'is she alive'? "SHE IS", exclaimed my doctor, and there laying so perfectly on my chest was Arabella Nani Ellis, breathing SO loudly there was no question of her status! She was my daughter, perfection, and full of love. She fit perfectly on my chest. Wonderfully made. Arabella came out with the fluid filled sac still protecting her head, miracle after miracle we witnessed with our 'incompatible' life little girl.

We held her and cried, and praised God. She was beautiful. Almost our whole family was there waiting in another room (THANK YOU ALL), and the looks on their faces were priceless when they laid their eyes on our little breathing miracle. They too, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, grandmas and grandpas would have to tredge the same road we were on, how long until we had to say goodbye, we knew it would be soon, selfishly I didn't want it to come.

Arabella was breathing on her own, had amazing color and looked like she was interested in staying around for a bit. So we decided to give her a little oxygen to help. We had it set to the lowest setting. I tried breastfeeding her relatively soon after she was born, and the bond was amazing, once again it was nothing I had anticipated but was joyfully celebrating that miracle. Arabella was proudly passed around from one person to another. Each person who held her was as captivated by her as was I. She accepted love and she freely gave it. EVERY LIFE MATTERS!!!!

from 2:22pm to 3:22pm to 4:22pm the word celebrate everything took on a whole new meaning. Arabella was getting extra credit. The gift of life team was all set up in another room (everything is very time sensitive with a donation), but as the hours went by, it was obvious that God had different plans for that day. They visited with us, gave us gifts and supported us along side the hospital staff, family and friends. It was one of the most joy-filled, heartfelt, upbeat, wonderful moments of my life! We were a family of four!
Our afternoon was spent passing her around, laughing, wondering, standing in awe of God's work and of course, lollipop sharing............

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She was so content after she ate, so at peace and so perfect! |
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Arabella had a sponge 'bath', and of course some 'extra' mommy touches. Not knowing how much time we had, we tried to do it all. |
In the morning she was still with us, and still around the 100% mark for oxygen. Throughout the night and morning she had gone from syringe feeding, to bottle feeding, as well as getting what I had been pumping. Every new nurse that came on duty was so eager to help, was in awe of our fighter and did an amazing job loving on all of us!
Late in the morning on the 20th, Arabella had been very irritated, we couldn't figure out why. She seemed in pain and after trying a few different things, we realized it was from the way her hat was rubbing on her brain, our hearts broke when we discovered that and at that moment we were DONE with the hats, she completely relaxed once we took them off. We had decided that this was our daughter, there was nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to hide. She was fearfully and wonderfully made! Early afternoon on the 20th, we did a room switch up to another floor that in our mind was a downgrade as we lost our HUGE room, didn't they see we needed a suite for all the people? There was also talk of us possibly going home, but that was an idea that Will and I could NOT wrap our minds around, so we brushed it off. Because of the room switch we were once again introduced to an incredible nurse who took amazing care of us. When we got to our new room Arabella's pediatrician came to visit.. WHAT she was assigned a pediatrician? NEVER did we imagine that! We asked any and every question we could think of, thankfully we had help from family as i'm not sure my brain was fully grasping all that was happening. The was foreign territory for them at Devos Children's hospital, but he was willing to do what we could together to walk this road.
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My wonderful sissy was prepared and brought in birthday cupcakes. We celebrated her one day birthday and sang happy birthday to her. It was filled with SO many smiles. |
Later in the afternoon while her cousin Molly was holding her, Arabella received her first shot, we opted to only do one, a vitamin one. Once again, this was an event that I did NOT think we would ever need to discuss, let alone perform. Arabella continued to go from arm to arm and continued to feed from a bottle every 3-4 hours while I pumped. Her early evening feed she seemed off, and I thought it was odd. My heart knew but my mind wanted to ignore. I kept telling myself it was because she was still full from earlier, she had been rockin' it. I didn't want to allow my heart the ache that I knew was ahead. Her oxygen started to dip and even with turning up the level, it was not
helping so we decided to take it off. We had agreed on a level and we weren't going to go past it. We had peace. We called gift of life to give them a heads up. We then sat and watched and waited and the most beautiful thing happened, we witnessed Arabella seeing glimpses of heaven. Her eyes would open wide, since she was born her right eye would not open, but when she was about to meet Jesus, she opened it. Her left eye would not move, but when she was seeing heaven, her eyes moved from side to side. At just over a day old, she smiled. The light that beamed from her eyes was breath-taking, captivating, astounding and one of the most remarkable things I have EVER seen in my life. We witnessed an out of body experience on our little Arabella. We sang to her, we prayed together and over and over we told her her work on earth was done, it was ok for her to let go. The color was fading from her as we said over and over, we love you, we love you, we love you and we will see you in Heaven. One by one the family members flooded the room, tears, hugs and smiles. After over three hours, our tears turned into laughs as we were all astounded she was still holding on. And then again, her color slowly returned and her oxygen was between 90 and 100% unassisted by any machines! A reason that is past our understanding, Arabella stayed with us, and around midnight on the 20th, our families, nurse and pastor left as emotionally drained as ever! They sprinted up there to say their goodbyes, but instead left thinking, 'maybe see in you in the morning sweet girl'.
special in so many ways, but every time we started to lose her, we were reminded, she isn't ours to begin with. God made her, he created her, she is on loan to us and we were grateful for the time we had with her! We laid with her, holding each other and holding her, once again letting her know it was okay to leave us. We said goodbye over and over, smelled her, kissed her and cried on her......and then it happened again, color restored and oxygen levels back up. She wanted to stay with us for the night. So Will and I did what we said we would never do as parents, we all slept together in bed! :) It was beautiful, it was peaceful. I didn't know if she would be alive when I woke up, but I knew I had an unexplainable peace.
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PURE PERFECTION and Sweetness! Still going strong! |
We slept for about 2.5 hours together, and early in the morning hours, what woke me up was her rooting, she was hungry. So without hesitation I breastfed her, I was amazed by her. Miracle after miracle. Remember they wanted me to abort her? "There is no foot too small that it can not leave an imprint on this world."
Shortly after we woke up, hospice was in talking to us about going home. We had a car seat on its way to the hospital and we were starting to sign papers. We were freaked out, but the thought of dreaming of what it will be like with her at home was an incredible feeling, once again a road we did NOT anticipate going down, celebrate everything! Arabella taught us so much! Nothing is in our control!!! However, as papers were being processed, we were once again losing her.
On August 21st, 11:22 am, after spending an amazing 45 hours together, Arabella Nani Ellis finally gave up her fight and as she raised her arms into heaven, she took her last breath. She went straight from our arms to Jesus' arms, he picked her up, and she was healed.
This story is part of God's story, and even though I don't get it, I see purpose because I know Jesus Christ and he is hope! Arabella has forever changed the landscape of my heart, it's better! Thank you all for journeying with us. Grief is not a phase, it's a life time. We have welcomed you all into this with us because it's not only about us. We appreciate you more than you will ever know! The support has kept us going some days when we don't feel like going. We are filled with Joy, Hope and Wonder for what God has in store for the future, and with grateful hearts we remind you to CELEBRATE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was sad yet beautiful at the same time. It is the definition of acceptance and faith in a dreary situation. Even she lost the fight, the good Lord let her stay just long enough to say good buy in her own way. The support from the staff and family was phenomenal and uplifting. Kudos to the staff for the effort.
ReplyDeleteBrendon Hudgins @ MedCare Pediatric
AMEN! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!