Another crazy day in neo-natal, but for the second day in a
row Mayla was a very minor contributor to the craziness, Praise Jesus!!!
Mayla took advantage of today and managed to get a lot of
needed rest again. Nursing continues to go better with each day, a trend we
pray continues as we gear up for a hopeful move home next week. A cardiologist
came in today to do an ultrasound on her heart and lungs and said everything is
great, perfect. When asked about the extra heart beats yesterday, he mentioned
that is not uncommon following surgeries like Mayla's. However, we won't know
the results of the 24 hour ECG until Monday. Based on what he saw though,
everything seems great.
Mayla's super rash diminished significantly after her
evening of "butt" nackedness. Just a small amount left so she'll
spend another night in her new favorite pose, naked frog pose, yeah, let's see
Arsenio Hall (Master Impresionist) impersonate that one. Actually, let's not.
All in all, a pretty uneventful day in neo-natal for the
Ellis family today. We are soo happy about this and so blessed by her growth
and healing. The doctors all continue to say how fast her healing is, all by
God's grace. Many thanks for all your prayers for her healing. It is obvious
given the speed of her recovery that prayers are being answered. We pray her
recovery continues at this pace and that she continues to get the same type of
rest, she still has a bunch to catch up on it seems, and so do her parents.
Tomorrow morning, Christa catches a flight back to the
States after almost a week here with us; slaving away to make our lives just a
bit easier. A huge thank you goes out to Christa. It was such a blessing to
have you with us and we wish you safe travels home. We are looking forward to
the next time you can see Mayla in the flesh; cuz we'll be back in the States.
Things we continue praying for are Mayla's rest, nursing,
the ECG results Monday, going home next week, and especially the neo-natal
unit, staff, and other patients & families. This unit is hopping on a
normal day, today is like a kangaroo race and the nurses look like they've been
run through a washing machine.
By God's grace we are getting closer and closer to home and
we give Him all the glory for that. We are humbled by everything He has done
for us, and thankful beyond words. Thank you again for your prayers,
encouragement, and support. It seems everyday we get an email, SMS, message
through Facebook or somewhere else that blesses us in a special way. These mean
a lot and really help to keep us going. Bis später!
Nice wife, nice daughter, nice pants...Who dresses this
Still good to be daddy.
Nice onesy. Again, who dresses this kid?
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One last visit from Auntie Suz.
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Seriously cute...
Ciao Auntie Suz! I love you -Mayla
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