Saturday, September 22, 2012

We're tired...

So I'm going to make this short (relatively speaking of course, okay so I tried).

We ALL had a great day today. We praise God for the work He has done for all of us today, and the greatest of this work was particularly needed given the last few days. REST! All three of us have needed abundant rest, and while Mayla was the only one really sleeping today (though Keri did get a nap in too), her rest gave Keri and I rest. It was such a blessing and we are so thankful for it (so is the rest of neo-natal). Mayla slept in my lap, my arms, Keri's arms, her bed, almost everywhere. She even let us change her without her head exploding... Such a gift.

In terms of her health, Mayla continues to get stronger and we believe the rest she got and is now getting will only help her get stronger. Currently, she is laying butt-naked under a heater in order to let her hinder rash clear up. So she really is butt-naked, hahaha. It's awesome and the pictures are adorable, BUT, we won't be showing those; we really don't feel like going to prison... For the past few days Mayla has had a diaper rash that has gotten exceedingly worse despite the creams, goos, and other "stuff" that has been applied. Finally, with the opportunity to air out Mayla's cannon, it is getting better. Praise some Jesus!!!

The extra heart beat that was identified yesterday has not recurred which is a blessing. The blood test taken after the extra beat showed her magnesium level is in the lower part of the normal range so she has a small magnesium supplement being given to her now, but no big deal. We are thankful though that it has not recurred and pray it does not and that it was just a fluke.

Mayla also had her ECG cell-phone looking thing removed and we hope to get the results tomorrow. These results will give us an idea when we can expect to bring her home, so obviously we are a bit excited. We also met with some "chick" to talk through some things about caring for her at home. It's almost hard to believe that we are getting to the point that we can bring her home, though we're still probably a week away. It's a struggle to do so but we need to curb our excitement a bit because we know things can change in an instant. My first day at the Kinderspital, the doctor said the current plan is only good for right now, and everything is subject to change after right now.

Nursing also continues to get better. Mayla is taking more and more from Keri and is also drinking great from the bottle. We pray this continues, especially as the prospect of moving home continues.

We are so proud of Mayla and so thankful to the Father for her growth, healing, and how well Mayla is doing. As we continue down this journey, we continue praying for Mayla's strengthening and her rest. Rest has proven to make a substantial difference in her day, as well as ours and the entire neo-natal unit, so more of that would be great. We continue praying for her diaper rash, results of the ECG, the extra heart beat thing, nursing, and rest (did I already say that?). Most of all, we continue to pray that God will continue to be glorified and that we, and Mayla, will continue to act as a spotlight, shining brightly on the Father and directing others to Him. Maybe I sound like a broken record or maybe I need to keep reminding myself, but this isn't about me, Keri, or Mayla. This is about what He is doing, which is far bigger than me, Keri, or Mayla, and the overall outcome has no impact on His goodness, faithfulness, and love.

With all these prayers mentioned already, I pray you all are also blessed, just as we have been blessed by your prayers and support and encouragement. Someone shared with me recently about a time they were in a relatively similar situation and when they began praying for others, healing and answered prayers for their situation came. So, thank you for partnering with us in praying for our daughter, us, and others in the hospital. It means a lot to us and we could not get through this without you. We pray you too are blessed beyond what we have been blessed through these last two weeks. Thank you! We love you!

Peaceful sleeping upon arrival today.
Love the peacefully resting daughter of ours. I am a little disappointed we lost the shelf to put the fun toys on because now there is no place to put the cars and boats and stuff.
Despite all the "peaceful" rest Mayla had today, she did still have a few break out moments which are to be expected. They were handled with relative ease however.
It's good to be daddy...
Oh yeah, daddy is the big winner today. 
Okay, Mayla wins too.
AND, daddy got a new laptop today... 
Hadn't seen her cross her hands yet and just couldn't help myself. After all this sleep today, I was reminded of a song, "dream on, dream away. I think we're gonna let you stay, stay, forever..." (ish)
So we aren't showing the full-on "butt" naked, but couldn't help showing off our little frog legged girl. So cute, we were loving it, but praying she doesn't take a dig.
We also think we figured out who she looks like. You be the judge.

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