You may have already heard that Mayla's operation today was a great success. If you haven't, now you have. Mayla was taken to pre-op around 7:45 this morning. We took the opportunity to spend a few last moments with our sweet daughter before she is heavily sedated following the surgery, while she recovers. Given the circumstances, we were so blessed to see her calm, relaxed, and alert. We prayed over her, said our good-bye's, prayed again, and they took her away. After she was taken away, Keri and I slipped into the cafeteria at the hospital to spend some time praying together for our daughter, our own strength, the surgery, my interview, and more; it was great time for the two of us. While difficult to see our 8 day old daughter taken away to have open heart surgery, we both were at peace knowing He is holding her in his hands and looking after her far better than either of us ever could. The surgery was expected to last anywhere from 3-6 hours and throughout, Mayla would be on a heart & lung machine (the "nice" term for life support). We were pleased to have contacts "on the inside" of the OR as well as given the name and number of someone we could contact if we had questions or wanted an update. We had decided in advance that if we did not hear anything by 1:30 in the afternoon, we would call.
Following our prayer time together, I headed off for my job interview at the Swiss exchange and believe 1 of 2 things happened. Either a) they think I'm NUTS for going to an interview while my 8 day old is having open heart surgery, or 2) they were very impressed with me, my composure, and how I carried myself during an interview while my 8 day old is having open heart surgery. Regardless, like everything, the Lord is in control and we submit to His plan. Though I must say, I really would like to have this job, not for the sake of the job, but this appears to be a great company to work for, and a challenging job that would present other opportunities in the future, AND look great on a resume. I should hear from them by the end of next week and hope this job is the Lord's plan for us.
The interview lasted about an hour and a half after which I made my way back to the Kinderspital where Keri had been spending the morning with a great group of women praying, laughing, supporting, building each other up, trying to figure out how to work a portable CD player (remember those???), laughing some more, praying some more, and being there for Keri. The time she spent with these incredible women was perfect for her. In fact, the time we each had was perfect for each of us.
We are so thankful for the way the Lord worked things out, moving the surgery date to the day of my interview, Keri's Koral of wonderful women, and of course the blessing of earlier recovery time. He is soo good. Which leads into the best news of the day, Mayla's surgery was a smashing success! The surgery went perfectly and was even completed in less than 3 hours, the first time she has been early for anything... Keri was pumping when she received the call and I was with the remnant of women in the church chapel. We were vacating the chapel when out of the elevator Keri comes running (yes even after giving birth 8 days ago), crying (doesn't seem like a great start to this ending huh), and yelling "She's out, it went great, she made it!!!", then fell into my arms crying, emotionally exhausted. We enjoyed a loving tear-filled embrace, a brief moment of prayer before we all embraced and got more details from Keri, such as, it went perfect, and she will be taken to ICU in a half hour. That's about it for the details to that moment.
It wasn't until around 4:00 in the afternoon that we finally made it to the ICU to see our "little warrior" (thanks Christina P. for the nick name). Though difficult to once again see her filled with tubes (more than before), completely sedated, and with a large incision on her chest, it was such a blessing knowing that the worst is behind us and we can now look to the future. Our sweet girl is a trooper for sure and did great throughout the surgery. The doctor shared it went perfectly, no issues, and obviously much faster than expected. The EKG and all tests up to that point were perfect. The next 24 hours are critical for her healing however. She is currently breathing 100% by respirator, largely due to the sedation, but they expect to be able to ween her off over the next 24 hours and slowly bring her out of her sedated state over the next few days. We spent just a few minutes with Mayla before deciding to leave and get some much needed rest ourselves.
So tonight we celebrate the way any American family would living in a foreign country, Domino's and worship. We continue to be humbled and eternally thankful for the support of family, friends, and people around the world whom we've never met, yet continue to lift us and our beautiful daughter up to the Heavenly Father. While we can not thank each of you personally and may not have individually responded, please know that every email, Facebook message private or otherwise, Facebook like, SMS, phone call/voice message, etc has been read or heard by us. Two things have sustained us and kept us going over these last 8 days, of course the grace and mercy of Papa, Abba, Father, and second, the support and prayers of each of you. Additionally, through you, he continues to meet our needs and provide for us while we are away from home, living in just a small rented room near the Kinderspital.
As you go about your day today, please, take a moment and look to the heavens (whether a believer or not) and thank Him for the work He has done and continues to do. He is more than worthy of our glory, praise, and worship. May He continuously be exalted and glorified!
As we look to the next weeks, we ask for continued prayers for Mayla's recovery, excitedly anticipating her move back to neonatal where we will once again be able to hold our "little warrior" and prepare all of us for the awaited homecoming. We do not believe God's miracles are finished as they relate to Mayla's healing. He is glorified in the work completed today, but we do not believe he is finished yet. The story does not end here. Thank you all again. May you all be blessed and touched by Him who saves, the way we are touched by Him through you.
Come praise and glorify our God
For we’ve believed the Word
And through our faith we have a seal
The Spirit of the Lord
The Spirit guarantees our hope
Until redemption’s done
Until we join in endless praise
To God, the Three in One
For we’ve believed the Word
And through our faith we have a seal
The Spirit of the Lord
The Spirit guarantees our hope
Until redemption’s done
Until we join in endless praise
To God, the Three in One
To the praise of Your glory
To the praise of Your mercy and graceTo the praise of Your gloryYou are the God who saves
To the praise of Your mercy and graceTo the praise of Your gloryYou are the God who saves
Sovereign Grace Music - Come Praise and Glorify
Before Mayla is wheeled away to surgery |
Mama saying Ciao! as Mayla is taken to Pre-Op |
Keri's core of prayer support during the surgery, so thankful for these women and the 1 that is missing from the picture
Mayla following surgery |
Will and Mayla post "big-day" |
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Mayla's "home" for the next few days |
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