Thursday, January 15, 2015

28 months and going to school..WHAT??

When the alarm went off this morning, I had an excitement running through me for the what the day had in store. I had great visions of a happy toddler, as exited and happy as I was, ready to tackle whatever the world threw our way....when a certain toddler woke up, she didn't share my vision, hers included tears, tantrums, hitting and unhappy acting out, not ready WHAT SO EVER to tackle what the world threw at her, but to crumble in toddlerness (not sure that's a word, but if you have a toddler or have had one, you know the definition)........Needless to say, some days don't go as planned, I know, news flash for you huh?

Mayla has been enrolled in a school called Kenoshea since last September, we have been a part of their in home speech therapy and also a sensory group within the school, it has been wonderful and going to the school was a highlight for Mayla each week!

A couple weeks ago they informed me that they had an opening in the Thursday/Friday morning school program! I WAS ELATED!! This program will combine her speech therapy and sensory processing class in one! On top of interaction with the same kids week after week, circle time (which she is HORRIBLE at), play time, eating, craft time, singing and dancing! I can honestly not express in words how pumped I am for this opportunity for her! She has made big improvements in her speech over the past month, but i'm looking forward to even further development through this school! The next big thing we are working on, besides words in general, is putting three words together!

I was so excited for her to get into the class room this morning, that I forgot to take a pic of her :( I'm sure that won't be the last time that happens!! I walked out of the room and I wanted to cry, yet jump up and down with excitement! I've left her many times at the YMCA, with friends and with family but this was different! The way she turned and looked at me from that big blue circle rug when I left was heart retching, I really can't remember the last time I saw that look in her eyes! Based on how excited she was just to see her 'full' backpack though this morning (complete with many extra pull-ups, her thickening goop and extra clothes), and how she squealed when she saw her school, I know she will do great!

A word that has been coming to me lately is 'embrace', it can be applied to the good times and bad times of life and it's a word i'm trying to incorporate more into my days! Wether it's embracing change, embracing life situations or embracing my husband or my daughter, i'm working on embracing all of it! I've blinked and it's January 15th, i've blinked and I just left my 28 month old daughter at school, i've blinked and have been married for 6.5 years. I'm working on embracing more and complaining less!

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