Since our valve went bad in our hot water heater and we had a flooding in the basement back in February, there has been a serious amount of sediment coming through the pipes clogging our faucets. Once a week/every two weeks we would have to take off the trap and clean it out, well in the last week or so this started to become a daily project for Will around our house, if not twice a day. We heard from a plumber that if we emptied hot water from the heater over the course of days, it should resolve the problem, so today was the day to start the process. It didn't go well and left us with NO hot water flowing through the pipes (most likely clogged along the way) and for a short period of time, no cold water even. I tried to go about my morning as if it didn't matter keeping in mind that I wanted to make it out the door to church, however; no water, breakfast needed for 3 people, and getting ready for church it was hard not to notice! Did I mention Will would be working all day and needed to be to work by 9:30, the poor guy was scrambling around as much as I was. Our peaceful, wonderful, family breakfast and sunday morning hang out time that I had been dreaming about since Thursday was shattering right in front of me. His lips barely brushed past mine as he sprinted out the door and I felt deflated. Staying in my comfy baggy shorts and sweat shirt sounded heavenly and looking at Mayla in her fleece jammies, I knew she would agree, but I felt the urge to go to Church and knew Satan wanted me to stay home, so that made me want to go even more.
I tried to ignore the clock as I rolled in to the car filled parking lot, forced to park a lot further out than normal was a sign WE WERE LATE! I told Mayla we needed to RUN and tried to make it sound all exciting so she would easily join in, she did the opposite; stood like a statue next to the car with her arms up in utter defeat as if her legs were frozen to the ground. I swept in, picked her up and we ran in the building. I felt pretty excited that they had not yet locked the sunday school rooms and was hopeful Mayla would make it in. I even swung her over the baby gate, and put her feet on the floor. Just as she was taking off, they gave me the news I was hoping NOT to hear, 'we are full, we can't take her!' You ever show up late to an event in a busy city, pull up to a parking garage and see the 'FULL' sign out front, causing you to have to make a quick alternative plan, and not too happy, that was me. I grabbed Mayla back, tears streaming down my face and headed for safety in the bathroom until I could pull myself together. In utter defeat and instant exhaustion I thought about my comfy shorts and sweat shirt waiting for me at home and thought we would just sneak out and head home to chill, praying no one I knew saw me along the way. As I was walking out, Mayla following a few steps behind me wondering in her toddler mind what was happening and why that was the shortest sunday school experience she had ever had; I wiped my tears, stepping on Satan as I walked, and by the grace of God, I headed for the 'crying room' where they provide a live streaming of the service. I sat, and snuggled in to my confused toddler and sang as tears streamed down my face. I knew that I may not get much from church, but I WAS NOT going to allow Satan to win and wanted Mayla to see that some times in life adjustments need to be made. I sat, and prayed and thanked God he gave me the strength to stay.
Mayla was starting to get rambunctious, focusing was hard, and as I was playing back in my mind the morning craziness the door to the sanctuary opened and in walked my gift from God! A lady from Church who I have been emailing for 2.5 months in hopes of one day meeting was standing there in front of me. From becoming facebook friends and blog 'stalkers' of one another, we recognized each other and embraced. I quickly shared how we ended up in the 'crying room' (what I thought was called crying room for the babies but just so happened today it was for the mommies too). She left us after a brief moment to use the ladies room and when she came back in she had brought 2 cookies, water and on a napkin had wrote the most beautiful note.
I sat in awe of God as cookie crumbles fell from Mayla's mouth onto my lap, and tears streamed down my face! I made the decision Mayla could have both cookies so I could sit and ponder God longer, and realized if I would have disobeyed, and stayed home like every part of me was telling me to do, or left the church when there was no room for her, like every part of me was telling me to do, I would have missed the gift that God had waiting for me. God's gift came with a price, and it came with hurt and tears, but it came. In what ways are you disobeying and possibly missing the gift God wants to share with you?
Entertaining Mayla became harder and harder during the service and when she was finally content for a few moments, removing EVERY single crayon from the box putting them all over the floor, I allowed her to. This move of hers came with the consequence that she had to pick up every single one when we were done, a task for a toddler that takes a LONG time. Well because of that, I was able to see my new friend again, and once again she demonstrated Jesus' love and invited me to lunch with her family. My first thought was no, I didn't want to be a burden, but then I eagerly accepted her invitation. I felt wrapped in Jesus' arms and praised Him for the trials of the morning.
God touched me today, and God used her to a level I don't think she will ever know! She was a real live gift from God, sent to church today for God's use for me, and I humbly say THANK YOU!!!! Her message she poured one me, was the exact same message Pastor Jeff poured onto the people of Ada today. Are we here to only to serve ourselves, or will we take the stand and realize we have something to offer the people around us, and serve others the way God wants us to!
Great news about meeting your friend, and I’m glad that you and your husband are reunited. Too bad about the plumbing, though – I’ve had my own issues with my pipes and valves, and when sediment and water starts to leak out, it can be a real pain to clean up.
ReplyDeleteLovella Cushman @ Perfection Plumbing